St Mary’s seeks to use all the money given to us in the most effective and careful way. It costs about £1750 every week to run our church.  Regular giving is good for the church – in that we can plan effectively – and good for you, in that you can budget more easily and make sure it is happening.

Ways of Giving to St Mary's Church

Regular Gift – for details of the Parish Giving Scheme

Please click here

One-off Gift – to make a one-time donation

Please click here

Standing order - to download a Standing Order form

Please click here

Bank Transfer

Here are our bank details - Account Name: Tickhill with Stainton PCC - Sort Code: 089299 - Account no: 67204878

By Post

Cheque payable to 'Tickhill with Stainton PCC' posted to the Treasurer, 46, Doncaster Road, Westwoodside, Doncaster DN9 2EE.

By Weekly Envelope

Please contact Sue Beavers - Giving Director, 41 Saffron Crescent, Tickhill DN11 9RX – email

In Church

By cash or contactless payment. Church is open every day - our contactless payment machine is near the door.

Gift Aid your Donation

If you are a UK taxpayer, please consider Gift Aiding your donation – for every £1 you donate you can increase your gift by 25p at no cost to yourself.

To download a Gift Aid declaration form, please click button below and once complete, send it to Sue Beavers – Giving Director, 41 Saffron Crescent, Tickhill DN11 9RX – email

Gift Aid - to download a Gift Aid Declaration form

Please click here

St. Mary’s Church, Tickhill with St. Winifrid’s Church, Stainton is a registered Charity No.1128949